Captains’ Bios

Captain Erik Brown
Erik Brown first wet his feet sailing as a kid in Connecticut and his feet haven’t dried yet. He spent summers at sailing camp and graduated from a Maritime Trade High School. In 2009, Erik moved to Washington to study at The Evergreen State College. Working through college, Erik coached the Olympia High School sailing team and ran the Olympia Summer Learn to Sail program. He and his wife/business partner, Alyce, met sailing a wooden yawl in Mexico.
Erik loves teaching and sharing his passion for sailing and the outdoors. Erik has worked as a shipwright on projects as diverse as carbon fibre multi hulls and traditional wooden boats. A US Coast Guard licensed captain, US Sailing Certified instructor, USCG Person in Charge of Medical Care, and former EMT, Erik sails everything from dinghies (and his hydro-foiling windsurfer) to schooners. Erik has voyaged all over the world and does it all with safety in mind. Along the way Erik picked up a large repertoire of sea songs—maybe he will sing one for you.
Erik looks forward to sailing with you on Port Townsend Bay this summer!
Captain Alyce Flanagan
Until high school, Alyce Flanagan’s home was her family’s eighty-two foot schooner, Alcyone. With her family she sailed on three off shore trips sailing to destinations like New Zealand, Ireland, French Polynesia and through the Panama Canal. Alyce has been teaching sailing since she learned to talk, crewing aboard many tall ships and sail training vessels.
In the offseason Alyce coaches the Port Townsend High School Sailing Team, utilizing her extensive dinghy racing experience.
Alyce very much looks forward to sharing her love of sailing with you this summer.

"Erik is an awesome guide and had wonderful stories about sailing and life. We thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and would recommend Left Coast 100%!"
- Tom Talke